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🎂Happy 3rd Birthday Taverners🎂


Updated: Apr 24, 2023

🎉 🎂 🥂 🍾 🎊 🎈

Well, who would have thought at the start of lockdown 3 years ago, that our little group will still be here 3 years later. Bigger and better than ever with over 48,000 members.

THANK YOU for being part of our community, as it's you guys that make it the positive and supportive space it is. I still have the goal of us eventually getting to 50,000 members one day, so feel free to invite your friends to join our main group:-

We'd love to hear your favourite memories and ask you to head over to the main Facebook page and share them with the other members.

From Myself and all the Team, have a great day today whatever you're doing.

Oh and DONNA is still blocking the fire exit door with her pram! Will she ever learn? 🤷

Landlord (Neil).

🎉 🎂 🥂 🍾 🎊 🎈

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