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Somewhere over the Rainbow


Updated: Apr 24, 2023

It all started at 1pm Saturday 26th 2020.  What was meant to be a planning meeting turned into a full 12 hour Social Media fest resulting in several new Virtual Tavern environments.

The Rainbow room was born.  A friendly inclusive environment where members of the LGBTG+ community and friends could hang out, have a laugh and be around like minded people.

We quickly needed admin help with this as we predicted it would be big and fast (thank god we did).  We called upon one of our very loyal members, Brigitte.  She is based in Canada and has championed the Tavern from the moment she joined.  

Three quickly went to ten, then Tom Doyle from the Lower House Inn pub got involved.  The phone was pinging every second (and we are not exaggerating) it was like back in March when we first launched the Tavern.  We must have pre approved hundreds that night.

Six months ago if someone would have said to us create logos, marketing plans, virtual spaces etc, we would have looked at each other and laughed. Tonight we did it all in 3 hours!

The power of our fabulous community and the way they get behind what we do is overwhelming.  

It's the start of a new chapter for The Virtual Tavern, an exciting and progressive chapter that will aid our journey to world domination.

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1 comentario

27 sept 2020

Well done Neil and team the website is looking great 👍

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